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Bigstockphoto.com/Peacefulness in us. Delighted peaceful positive African American couple sitting in the cafe and touching hands of each other while expressing peacefulness and love[/caption]
Should you try to change your partner? Well, that depends. A lot of people run from a relationship the second they sense their partner is trying to change them. But their partner was likely trying to change the things that make them who they are. Is your partner a goofball? An introvert? The life of the party? A nerd? A bit abrasive? A dreamer? Accept it. Those are personality traits! You shouldn’t want to change your partner’s personality. If you do, then you’re with the wrong person. You also shouldn’t want to adjust their core values or moral compass. Those are things you have to purchase as is. But habits are something you can change, and possibly should. Just between us here on this page, a lot of men could use a partner to come spruce a few areas of their life up. Here are ways it’s okay to change your partner.
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Help him identify his goals
If your partner works at a job that doesn’t excite him and complains constantly that he feels like it’s a dead-end job, encourage him to think about what he really wants. Don’t tell him what he should do, but open dialogues that help him do his own thinking on which industries and positions excite him. [caption id="attachment_701813" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Get him to believe in himself
If your partner knows what he wants but he’s afraid to go after it, be his cheerleader! Send him every article or flyer for a related event about the industry he’s interested in. If he’s interested in applying to this or attending that, encourage him to—go with him if it helps. Don’t let his fear stop him. [caption id="attachment_702712" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Help him live healthier
I don’t think your partner’s mother, doctor, friends or coworkers would blame you if you tried to stop him from eating a cheeseburger at lunch every day. You don’t expect him to be a health nut but you do want to prevent an early heart attack. [caption id="attachment_704577" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Help him heal family ties
If your partner hasn’t spoken to his brother in years or has a strained relationship with his dad, you know that weighs on him. Encourage him to fix those relationships. Offer to drive with him to visit the estranged family member. [caption id="attachment_713445" align="alignleft" width="467"]
Socialize him
Some guys can be such hermits! They have friends, but they don’t make the effort to see them often. You know if they did, they’d be happy. So invite your partner’s best buds (who he somehow hasn’t seen in four months) over for dinners our out for double dates. Sometimes, women just need to be the planners. [caption id="attachment_696422" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Get him to try new things
You should both always be encouraging one another to try new things. This could mean new food, new hobbies, new places, meditation workshops…Expand and grow together.
Help him open up
Men tend to be a little more emotionally blocked than women are. They can’t help it; they were conditioned to be that way. Encourage your partner to talk it out when he’s clearly frustrated, feeling stifled, or sad. Don’t let him stubbornly, silently stew,in those emotions. [caption id="attachment_723513" align="alignleft" width="417"]
Make him gentler
Men are told to be hard when they grow up, but it doesn’t do them much good later in life. In fact, there is nothing stronger than being brave enough to be gentle. You’ll see; you’ll get your partner to talk to puppies in a baby voice, and genuinely take an interest when your girlfriend is heartbroken after a breakup. [caption id="attachment_712480" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Educate him on feminism
Some dudes just don’t know. They don’t mean to say things that are sexist; they’ve just heard those things their entire life. Don’t be afraid to gently let your guy know, “Hey that’s actually sexist and here’s why.” Every woman he encounters in life—from his female colleagues to his female family members—will thank you for it. [caption id="attachment_709036" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Help him be more responsible with money
I don’t know why, but women just know more about using coupon sites before purchasing anything online, racking up rewards on grocery store cards, and saving money by cooking at home instead of ordering delivery. Help your man out. [caption id="attachment_702781" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Encourage him to relax
Men don’t always feel like they’re allowed to admit when they’re heading for a burnout. A lot of them have the “Drink an energy drink and stop complaining" mentality. But you can encourage your boo to say no to some invitations, get a massage and take a nap when you see he’s exhausted. [caption id="attachment_704323" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Boost that cleanliness score
The poor guy didn’t even realize mold was growing underneath his dish drying rack. You’re not telling him how to decorate; you’re just trying to make sure his own home doesn’t make him sick. [caption id="attachment_620401" align="alignleft" width="500"]
Get him to go to the doctor
Women are so much better at going in for regular check-ups or having their doctor look at something that seems off. Men, on the other hand, usually need to be dragged to these appointments. It’s okay: drag him. [caption id="attachment_608323" align="alignleft" width="417"]
Encourage him to stock his fridge
Go to a grocery store and you’ll see women pushing around carts, and men holding little baskets. Women are just better at stocking their fridges and planning out their meals. Men, on the other hand, usually wait until they’re starving, go to the store and buy three things, go home, and repeat the next day. Train your boo in the art of grocery shopping. [caption id="attachment_713716" align="alignleft" width="420"]
Make him better in bed
Hey, why not? I’m sure he wants to satisfy you. Other women may have been too shy to tell him that that tongue thing he does actually feels funny, not good.The post Ways You Should Actually Change Your Partner appeared first on MadameNoire.